Manage filters
Jira filters are not user and admin friendly.
Jira filters have limited functionality. Ownership of the filter cannot be transferred and filters cannot be shared. The problem morphs into issues of maintenance, clean-up and lack of access.
Bi-weekly sprints and two weeks to completion.
Product Manager, Lead Developer, Senior Designer
Pain Points
I gathered research insights by interviewing users, going through social media, and support community.
Here's what I found
Users are unable to share filters
Users are unable to edit shared filters
Users duplicate filters every time they want to share
Admins manage filters after employee leaves company
"Agile boards can have multiple owners already, but filters and dashboards can't! "
"We really need this feature. It is a huge headache for us that we have to ask specific people to modify their filters. At minimum, it would be great if at least global/project administrators were allowed to edit any filter regardless of who owns it. "
"Yes it's still so hard to explain our customers why the board can be configured by multiple persons and the underlying board filter can't. This is not a sound product experience."
Problem impact
Owner is the bottleneck
Transfer ownership one by one
Don’t know where filter is used
Too much time spent on task
No Audit logs about change or modification
Can only transfer ownership of filter
Can’t edit or manage filters
Painful to transfer ownership of filter
Can’t edit teams dashboard
Cannot edit someone else’s filter
Teams cannot modify filter without owner
Share is actually view
User Scenarios
First scenario: Owner leaves the organisation then the filters owned by them are abandoned and need to be manually assigned new owners by an admin.
Second scenario: Owner is not available hence other users copy or duplicate filters. Users cannot edit or share the filter only the owner can. Admins can transfer ownership.
Possible Solutions
Pro-Con Analysis
Present Scenario
Design option
Design option
Design option
What could have been better?
1. New triad was formed for this project, it took time for the
team dynamics to set.
2. Unclear defnition of a bootcamp project meant the Triad had
a tough time defining the scope for the new engineer.
What went well?
1. Internal testing went well. All users were satisfied with the
2. The Engineer was able to understand how to work with the
Triad and Design team.
3. Customer testing went well. All interviewed customers
reported high levels of satisfaction when testing the